Hi! I am a student at the University of Washington studying Computer Science and Mathematics.
Software Engineer Intern
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (June 2022 - September 2022)
Undergraduate Researcher
Personal Robotics Lab (May 2021 - Present)
Software Engineer, Autonomous Navigation Subteam
Husky Robotics (October 2020 - October 2021)
A chess game that can be played in the terminal with minimax agents to play against. Minimax agents use alpha-beta pruning alongside a heuristic-based iterative deepening depth first search algorithm and memoization to improve runtime. Written in Java.
See the source code here.
Yearbook 2020
A web app designed to keep students connected during COVID-19 quarantines. Each student has a virtual yearbook page that others can sign, and they are able to sign others' yearbook pages. Made with JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and Google Firebase.
Try it at https://yearbook-hhs.web.app and see the source code here.